A small town church with an inviting and welcoming congregation
Are you feeling God calling you to service?
Join Our Ministry Team
This congregation is celebrating 200 years of ministry in Holmes County. This growing congregation is seeking a new member of our worship and ministry team. Our much loved pastor needed to relocate to Michigan and has been commuting to serve us but is finding this commute more and more challenging. We need to begin a process to find a new person for our ministry team.

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Thank you for your interest on behalf of the First Presbyterian Nominating Committee. Our church is looking for someone with a heart for ministry, a passion for teaching, and a strong commitment to the spiritual growth of our congregation. We believe that God has a plan for our church, and trust He will lead the right individual to help us fulfill our mission.
You will find a detailed job description that outlines the congregations priorities, desired characteristics, specific responsibilities, and qualifications for the role.
Please use this contact to seek any additional information and/or to submit your resume and letter of interest. We look forward to answering your questions and ask for your prayers while we allow God's plan to be revealed.
Physical copies of materials can be mailed to: Clerk of Session, 90 South Clay Street, Millersburg, OH 44691

Vision & Mission
Our Vision: To be present and supportive in our community and at all times letting the love of Christ shine through us. We can be a beacon of hope in today’s world while bringing ourselves into a more modern worship service which will appeal to all.
Our Mission: Our mission is to glorify God, proclaim the Gospel, serve others, and make disciples of Jesus Chris through the power of the Holy Spirit.